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Water Testing Services

Ready To Schedule Your Water Testing?

Do you know what's in your water?

Your water might look clean, but it may contain impurities after traveling miles and miles in your pipes. After years of use, pipes can become corroded and leaky, allowing ground water to enter and add contaminants.  

Buying a home is a significant investment in your financial future, as well as your health and well-being. Ensure the water you will be drinking is safe. Lead, arsenic, and hard water can be in your pipes exposing you and your family to chemicals that you can't taste, see, or smell.

What is a Well Water Quality Test?

If your water comes from a private well, we recommend testing for groundwater contaminants. Our Well Water test includes testing for:

  • Heavy metals
  • Minerals
  • General chemistry
  • Silica
  • Coliform
  • E. coli

Our Well Water Quality Test also satisfies all FHA/HUD/VA Loan requirements.

Problems with your well water could lead to underlying problems with your tank or pump. These problems could indicate dirty water, audible air bubbles in pipes, and noises in your plumbing.

How Much Does it Cost? 

The cost of a well water quality test is $199 or $149 if completed at the same time as a home inspection.

What is a City Water Quality Test?

If your water comes from the local utility, it’s likely disinfected with chlorine to prevent bacterial contamination. Meanwhile, about 25% of US homes test positive for lead, copper, and other plumbing related toxins. Our City Water tests for:

  • Physical Parameters
  • Toxic Metals
  • Nitrate Scan
  • Chlorine & Chloramine

How Much Does it Cost? 

The cost of a city water quality test is $149 or $99 if completed at the same time as a home inspection.

What Does A Report Look Like?

Our reports are compiled by SimpleLab. Click this link in order to view a sample report.

Save Even More!

Add-on Water Testing to your Home Inspection and save $49! 

Service Area

We proudly offer Water Quality Testing services to Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Polk counties.




(813) 638-9912



701 N Westshore Blvd, Suite 200 #23, Tampa, FL 33609